Grow your business in community

The SHOW UP Membership is here to keep you inspired, connected, and motivated to get you to create a business that feels authentic and makes you money time and time again.

Join Today

The hardest thing about business is loneliness 

Do you agree? Add the uncertainty that comes with starting something new, and you find yourself between a rock and a hard place more often than not.

Sounds like you?

You know it's possible to have a thriving business, you know you have something incredible to share with others... but you don't seem to find the way to achieve the success you want to make your business & big life a reality.


You're in the right place, we've created this membership for you!

I totally get it... because I've been in your shoes

  • You decided that 2024 was the year you were going to build your business but time goes by and you don't seem to be taking the action & see your next steps clearly
  • You are tired of being alone in front of every business decision and you want to have a space to share your ideas with other business owners and access first-class business coaching from a professional business coach.
  • You're tired of feeling you're the only person who is doing this-business-thing in your circle: you know your people are somewhere (they have to!) but you're not sure where and how to connect with them.
  • You know you're missing some piece of the puzzle when it comes to your business and your marketing knowledge and that learning those foundations will make all the difference to achieve the results you know you can get.

The SHOW UP Membership

LIVE Group Coaching

 Business, Marketing & Mindset Training

 Community of like-minded entrepreneurs

Feel supported every step of the way

  • Masterclasses on Marketing, Business & Mindset Foundations (lots of them LIVE)
  • Monthly Q+A with Merce
  • Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Call with Merce
  • Monthly Sharing Circle
  • Monthly Community Coworking
  • Bi-monthly Content Challenge to help you show up for your business every single month
  • Bi-monthly Visibility Boost for Social Media 
  • Access to Exclusive Discounts on Forget the Office products (1:1 Coaching, Workshops and Events) & other business tools and services.

You heard that right...

A community of like-minded entrepreneurs to mastermind together.


Business, marketing & mindset training released weekly & biweekly that is going to turn your business upside down.


The foundational tools to effectively transition from your old life to your new life, all in one place.


It's all more accessible to you than ever, with The Show Up membership.

When you join, you're signing up to...

  • Run your business in a way that feels great because you're doing great marketing, know where you're heading, and you have a place to share your journey.
  • Show up every day because you're creating your content using professional content tools used in marketing agencies.
  • Learn business, marketing and mindset so you can show up as your best self every single day and grow your business where you want it to be.
  • End the procastination cycle and stop feeling stuck because you have a space to discuss, make decisions, share your business goals, and get world-class business training.

This membership is for you if...

  • You've been trying to start your own business for a while but are lost on how to actually get results.
  • Or maybe you've already started your business but you're ready to grow it and take it to new heights.
  • You know you want to be your own boss (or keep on being your own boss) and you're willing to put in the work to achieve your goal - you just need a roadmap to get there.
  • You want to experience location freedom (be it working from home or from a tropical island) & financial freedom, and you're in this business thing for the long haul. 
  • You may be working on a corporate job right now as you get your business off the ground and you know it doesn't bring your true gifts to the table.
  • You are lost on how to achieve your goal of making a full living out of your own business.
  • You know there's a big life waiting for you but you can't seem to find a realistic roadmap to take you there.

And also if...

  • You are feeling defeated and you're doubting yourself because you get stuck in a pattern of not showing up in the way you want to show up for your business again & again.
  • You're tired of making all the decisions on your own and running your business as if you were the only person inhabiting planet Earth. (hint: you're not!)
  • You know you're missing pieces of the puzzle & you want to learn the right foundations to run your business.
  • You want to get your mindset right to be the most successful version of yourself.
  • You don't feel inspired to take action for your business every single day because having a business that sustains your lifestyle feels so far away from you right now.

You've spoken, I've listened.

Throughout all the years I've been working with people wanting to forget the office and start their own business, there's been one constant: you feel lonely. 

You've spoken, and I've listened. I know you want to connect with people on the same path who actually get what it feels like to walk away from a 'safe' situation (or at least what society tells us it's 'safe') and risk it for the biscuit.

I know you want to learn the business, marketing and mindset foundations that will help you get there way faster than just trying to work it out on your own.

I know this new layer of support will bring you something you've been longing for: not being alone at the forefront of your business and connecting with people who want to lead the same lifestyle and follow their life purpose, just like you.

What's included inside the Show Up Membership? 

Monthly LIVE calls & Challenges to keep you completely engaged in community & motivated in your journey
Weekly & biweekly trainings (many of them LIVE) to keep you upleveling in your brand, marketing, and business efforts.
Exclusive community discounts to Forget the Office products & other business tools and services

Bi-Monthly 7-Day Content Challenge

You'll have access to a 7-Day challenge that we will complete as a community every 2 months and that comprises 3 group coaching calls to get you activated to show up time and time again.

Challenge Kick-Off Call

A coaching call to get you activated to share with your audience, where you'll actually get to post & write content during the call

Visibility Boost for Business

A call to let go of visibility blocks you're experiencing using NLP and somatic coaching techniques.

Challenge Closing Call

We'll get to plan the content for the next month and set your priorities for the month so that you show up massively for your goals.

LIVE Calls

Marketing Membership

Monthly Q+A Call with Merce

Every month, we'll come together as a community to have a Questions and Answers Session together.

Marketing Education

Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Session

Every month, get the chance to be coached on a specific topic and get also help from fellow members.

Monthly Sharing Circle

This is a space for you to put your experiences in common with other members and get lots of clarity on your priorities.

Monthly Community Coworking

This is a sacred space for you to work on your business in community and get all those creative flow juices going.

But that's not it... By joining, you also get access to the full BUILD library by Forget the Office® 

Our BUILD Library encompasses all of Forget the Office®'s teachings in Business, Marketing & Mindset.

Inside it, you will learn our proprietary Forget the Office®'s frameworks, the same ones that take our 1:1 clients from being on their corporate job to being full-time in their business, and which allow our clients to spend way less time in their office.

This is a growing library with Weekly & Biweekly trainings, many of them LIVE.

This is a master's in marketing (and frankly, way more than that) where you'll be taking consistent action.

Get Access to Our 9-Step Framework to Business Success


This is what we're going to be covering inside the Show Up Membership

The Authenticity Framework

The Mindset to Start and Grow Your Biz & Your Mission and Vision

Let's set up our minds for success. You'll have an overview of the journey, prime your mind for success and understand the different aspects of taking consistent action, as well as productivity tips to keep it up during the journey.

Online Business Models and How to Choose Yours

We support you in creating an online business that makes sense for you, so that you can take the best of each world from the best online business models out there.

The Most Common Mindset Blocks in Business & Overcoming Them

The Market Research Framework

Target Market Analysis & Niche

We provide you with proven methods to nail aspects like market research, ideal client mapping and choosing your niche, which is the basis of any effective marketing strategy.

The Brand Framework

Brand Strategy

Creating the foundations of your brand has an infinite ROI and sets you up for success in every other area of your business.

The (No-Brainer) Offer Framework

No-Brainer Offers

Ensuring a coherent and compelling offer suite is arguably the most crucial factor in attracting clients and driving sales.


Learn about different pricing strategies and how to leverage them for your business.

The Messaging Framework


Nailing your Marketing Messaging is THE WAY to stop creating content that's invisible to your ideal clients and pick their attention!

The Conversion Framework

Sales Strategy

Understand how to sell the different products in your offer suite (hint: you don't sell all your products in the same way!).


Sales Plan

Let's create your sales plan so that you can track whether you're meeting your goals.

The Leads Framework

Marketing Channels

Choosing the right platforms to reach your ideal client makes all the difference and we'll go over the different marketing channels you're going to use for your business to achieve success.

Organic Content Strategy for a Marketing Channel

Let's create a professional content strategy so that you start / continue to put yourself out there in an aligned way.

The Copywriting Masterclass

Email Marketing Strategy

Understand how to structure your email marketing to make it an automated sales machine.

Email Marketing Sequences & Funnels

Develop your Sequences & Funnels for optimal business automation & systems.

Marketing Plan

We'll go over the different actions that you'll be taking daily to bring your business & life to the next level.

The Execution Framework

Tech Platforms

Website Structure

You'll learn how to structure your website to make it a lead generation and conversions machine.

Finances & Profit First Method

Legal considerations



The Embodiment Framework

Trust & Feminine Energy in Business

The Path of Embodiment

I'm here to share all my business, marketing and mindset learnings with you. 

At Forget the Office we address a significant challenge faced by business owners: the expectation to possess exceptional business and marketing skills on top of their core expertise, even if they haven't previously learned these skills.

Even for those with a business background, there's a steep learning curve when starting a new venture, requiring a plethora of skills.

Through this membership, I aim to share insights gained from my experiences starting two businesses, transitioning from being a lawyer to being a digital marketing agency owner, and my career as a digital marketer assisting businesses of all sizes start, grow and scale.

Meet Your Coach: Merce Maresma

Certified coach, NLP Practitioner + former digital marketing agency owner & business expert 

I'm a certified coach and digital marketing expertalthough before that I was an international corporate lawyer in Spain for 4 years.

I'm currently living between Australia and Spain with my partner Chris.

Having a corporate law background and having studied in Business School for 3 years, plus having studied a Master’s in Digital Marketing at Instituto Marketing Barcelona, I got a business number and started freelancing in law, business advisory, and digital marketing.

I decided to brand my digital marketing freelancing services into a digital marketing agency, stepping into a career that has allowed me to travel & work from anywhere as I supported all sorts of businesses in their marketing needs.

I started delving into the most common challenges for people to become successful in business, and drawing from my own experience, where I struggled by getting in the way of my own success, I became a Certified Professional Coach adhered to OCC-I ethical practices, an NLP Practitioner and Level 1 Coach by the Institute of Applied Psychology in Sydney.


I created Forget the Office to help entrepreneurs create & grow the online businesses of the new era by bringing incredible marketing and business foundations and cultivating a successful mindset via doing the inner work.

Forget the Office embodies a journey that began long before I left my corporate law job, but truly materialized when I closed that office door for the last time.

Since then, I've immersed myself in learning about business, mindset, marketing, and much more, and I've started two companies following that pursuit.

I've aided dozens of entrepreneurs in realising their visions and scaling their businesses, initially through my digital marketing agency and now through Forget the Office.

My passion lies in sharing this knowledge because

  • Many aspiring entrepreneurs never make the leap due to lacking the necessary skills to turn their ideas into a profitable business.
  • Stepping out of one's comfort zone often brings discomfort, leading many entrepreneurs to give up prematurely, before their businesses can thrive, to avoid this discomfort.

This is what others have said about Forget the Office



Mercè is a great professional and a wonderful person.

I was stuck and she helped me find my purpose.

It has been a great experience to work with her.


The money mindset session with Merce was very useful to me because I could understand my values related to money.

I found that some beliefs were limiting me and my business. Now I am more capable of making the right decision regarding my values, lifestyle, and personal needs. She is such an amazing coach :).


I highly recommend the workshop to anyone who wants to learn about Instagram Strategy and how to use Canva. This workshop has given me all the tools I needed to confidently start with my Instagram content strategy and with my Canva designs. After the workshop I feel much more clarity, confident, and energised to start taking action, and now I know where to start with


Mercè is a great mentor. Very patient and encouraging. I don't consider myself a techie person and I easily get overwhelmed when it comes to Instagram, Canva, and technologies in general, but Mercè explains everything in such a simple and clear way that everything seems much easier and fun. I cannot recommend this workshop enough!


It's still a work in progress but the program is great, and Merce is a very organised person, so that helps if you are quite messy and want it all but don‘t know where to start :)

Beatriz Jericó

Mercè was a gift from the universe, this is how it is.

Our sessions made realize so many limiting beliefs, many issues that burned inside me and I didn't know why. Thanks to her I have begun to really visualize my path as a freelancer.

Thank you for that, Mercè. Looking forward to seeing each other again 🙌🏻🙏🏻

Dr. Anneline Padayachee

Today's workshop was really, really, really epic.

We got given a workbook, which guides your thinking right from working out your values, your mission, and your vision for either yourself personally, and also your business and your company. 

And then it takes you from there all the way through to working out content, all within a day. 

Because if you don't get that basics right and you don't understand the pains of who your target audiences are, don't really get into their head, understand what does a win look like for them, and don't understand what their objections could potentially be, you're just literally swinging back blindly. So yeah, the workshop was really, really, really good.

This is how you can join

Our live masterclasses & monthly meetups start on the 24th of April.

Monthly Instalments

AUD 27

for 12 months

  • Masterclasses on Marketing, Business & Mindset Foundations
  • Monthly Q+A
  • Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Call
  • Monthly Sharing Circle
  • Monthly Community Coworking
  • Bi-monthly Content Challenge
  • Bi-monthly Visibility Enhancing Call
  • Access to Exclusive Discounts on Forget the Office 1:1 Coaching, Workshops, Events and other business services & tools.

Pay in Full

AUD 247

for 12 months

  • Masterclasses on Marketing, Business & Mindset Foundations
  • Monthly Q+A
  • Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Call
  • Monthly Sharing Circle
  • Monthly Community Coworking
  • Bi-monthly Content Challenge
  • Bi-monthly Visibility Enhancing Call
  • Access to Exclusive Discounts on Forget the Office 1:1 Coaching, Workshops, Events and other business services & tools.
  • Save AUD 77 and receive a FREE Intensify 1:1 coaching session with Merce as a bonus


It does take a village

The SHOW UP Membership is here to keep you inspired, connected, and motivated to get your business off the ground is here.

Join the village